Attempting to reach 280 speed requires the value to be set to 319 on a 66 tickrate server, for example. This causes a lot of inconsistency for PACs between servers that alter movement, as well as trying to set speed for a specific, intended value.

I had this issue before on a previous server, though never reported it since I could never figure out the cause. You can change the code to IsAdmin () instead of IsDonator () if you want to restrict it to admins only, I believe. Txt file (the data for the outfit) put that in the folder hope profit. From a 66 tickrate server where the problems usually aren't too noticeable without the command, to a 30 tickrate server where the default value for gravity (-600) is suddenly low gravity. To create an animated texture file youll need a sequence of image files, you can get them by converting existing animation files such as. Yeah, so add a a inside that file directory (use notpad and put that code in it and save as. R/Pac3: Subreddit for posting Pac3 outfits from Garrys mod and asking questions. Here you will find all folders related to PAC, look below for more information. You can check your current movement speed by using the console command "cl_showpos 1" and checking the current velocity value at the top right corner.įurthermore, I wasn't going to report this until I found out that if the hosted server's tickrate is lowered, player movement's inaccuracy in it's default and modified number values becomes even more inaccurate, and sluggish. Open your steam library, right-click Garry's Mod, go to Properties > Local Files > Browse Local Files Next go to garrysmod > data. I would provide an example PAC, but honestly all you have to do is open up the editor, create a player movement part, and immediately test speed values. For example, you ask for 200 run speed and you end up with: 176.

Long story short, you don't get what you ask for when setting a number value for speed.